The Finnish Dental Society Apollonia and Finnish Dental Foundation provide research grants annually. Research grants are granted to Apollonia’s full members and student members for scientific research to further Finnish dental science.
Applicants are informed of grant decisions in March and grants given are published in Apollonia Symposium and on Apollonia’s website.
The application period for 2021 grants has ended. Addendums received after the application period cannot be considered.
All grants are applied for using the online form found in the Grant System. You can find application instructions in English there. Appendices are to be attached to the online application.
Research grants
Research grants can be applied for to cover costs and work on research done as a primary occupation.
The Finnish Dental Society Apollonia and the Finnish Dental Foundation’s research grants are applied for using the Grant System during the application period in October.
The following sponsored grants can also be applied for:
- Grant of oral health promotion
- Colgate grant
- Planmeca Group grant
- Grant for Implantology (Division of Implantology)
- Grant for Orthodontics (Division of Orthodontics)
- Grant for Parodontology (Division of Parodontology)
- Grant for Pediatric Dentistry (Division of Pediatric Dentistry)
Research grant applicants can also apply for an emerging researcher’s stipend using the same online form.
Applications for research grants can be at most 16,000 €.
Fill in the online grant application form carefully according to the instructions.
Student grants
Student grants can be applied for by dental students who are Apollonia members. The grant application period is 1 October to 31 October 2019 at 3:00 PM. Applications are made in the same way as those for other research grants, using the online form found in the Grant System.
Student grants can be applied for to cover costs and work on research done as a primary occupation. Student grants given are at most 3,000 €. Students can only apply for student grants.
Emerging researcher’s stipend
A emerging researcher’s stipend is intended for full-time work as a researcher for one year. The applicant can also apply for a grant to cover research expenses.
Emerging researchers’ grants are given to dentists conducting research for a dissetation. The recipient of an emerging researcher’s grant can be a student in doctoral school or program. The grant application period is in October, and the application is submitted using the online form found in the Grant System.
The amount of the grant is 21,500 € per year. The amount of the grant includes the recipient’s pension insurance.
In October 2019 grants can be applied for to cover the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. Grants can be given for two years, but are granted for only one year at a time. The recipient must also engage in research as a primary occupation during the grant period.
Before the beginning of the grant period the recipient must provide the Finnish Dental Society Apollonia and Finnish Dental Foundation a written, signed plan for use of grant money and working time.
Joint Fund of Dental Organisations grant
The Finnish Dental Society Apollonia and the Finnish Dental Society’s joint fund grant can be applied for by a member of Apollonia and the Society.
Primary areas of research supported by the joint fund are:
- Healthcare Economics
- Healthcare research (effectiveness of health care, leadership, use of services, well-being at work and division of work)
- Public health and epidemiology
- Studies related to a dentist’s work, well-being at work and working conditions
The joint fund’s grants can be applied for to cover costs and work on research done on a full-time basis.
Research grants area applied for using the online form found in the Grant System during the application period in October.
The online form can also be used by joint-fund grant applicants to apply for a grant from the Finnish Dental Society Apollonia and the Finnish Dental Foundation, an emerging researcher’s stipend or a grant for researchers who hold a doctorate.
Applications for research grants can be 3,500–12,000 €.
Fill in the online grant application form carefully according to the instructions.
Apply for grants
All grants are applied for using the Grant System.
Most common deficiencies
The list below shows the most common deficiences that cause research fund applications to be rejected.
- lack of ethical and/or animal research permit, or justifications in those rere observational studies where permits are not needed,
- a sample that is too small or insufficiently described,
- missing or poorly descriped statistical methods and
- late applications.
Additional information
Additional information about research grants and completion of the application form can be requested from
Vesa Pohjola by email ( or by phone at +358 9 6803 1231 or +358 40 1463696 .
Questions about Grant System: Aija Hietala-Lenkkeri, or phone 0400 477 599